Dear Parents and Carers,

We’re looking forward to seeing Year 10 and year 12 again next week. All the information they need to return has gone out now and I know the year team have been answering questions and queries all week. The transport is organised and the staffing rota drawn up.  The school now looks totally different, with hand sanitisers mounted on the walls, most of the canteen tables removed and classrooms rearranged. There are perspex screens at reception and at the canteen tills. There are buckets of wipes wherever they might be useful. All we need now is for Monday to come around so we can get started.

Now that Year 10 are returning, we’ve changed the timetable for the Q&A drop-ins, because our in-school provision for Year 10 finishes at 1.10pm, we’ve moved all of the drop-ins to 1.50-2.50pm so that none of them clash with face to face time. The new drop in timetable is:

Monday:              English/Languages

Tuesday:              Maths/Visual + Performing Arts

Wednesday:       Science /Technology

Thursday:            Humanities/Sports

Friday:                  H&SC /CRS 

Year 12 will be able to access any online support when they are in school as the nature of their face to face time is different to that of Year 10.

Year 7 were invited to attend a live chat with Miss Bennett, Mrs Smithson and Miss Williams yesterday. Around forty students participated and I’ve heard from Miss Bennett that it was an enjoyable and helpful exercise. That open meeting, to which all of Year 7 are invited, will take place every week in Teams. The next one is on Wednesday at 2.00pm.  There is also a dungeons and dragons club

Sports month is still going well. Running and cycling have proven hugely popular and very competitive. Students who want to participate should just send in a screenshot of their running or cycling app. The current standings are:













Special mentions go to Tierney Wood who has run 3km every day of June so far and Francesca Godfrey who is running 1 mile every day. Well done!

In Trampolining, every entry scores points. There have been some amazing entries so far. Cody Armstrong scored 68 points, Ollie Efford scored 79 points and Emily Rigg scored an amazing 150 points and even threw in a back-somersault for a bonus point

In Tennis, not letting injury get in the way, Aleysha Nicholas scored 16 points for her house.

A final mention should go to Scarlett Woodward, Year 7, has undertaken the live IM Possible workouts every single day since they began, putting more points in the bag for Cavell and more importantly, keeping active, fit and healthy. Well done to her and thanks to Mr Sari for his dedication in making those videos every day.

All staff are now assigned to a house and we’ve ordered new coloured lanyards so students will be able to see at a glance which house staff are in. The announcement of the results of the sports month and the presentations of the cups will take place in a house assembly, either live or on video, before the end of term.

Whatever you’re doing this weekend, trampolining, cycling, running or just taking it easy, stay safe and well.

Andy Hunter